With over twenty-five years’ experience in translation and ESL editing, and thousands of texts tailored to different requirements, I have established a reputation as a trusted partner for my clients, consistently delivering accurate and well-researched solutions to their translation and editing needs.
Though my interests span a broad range of topics from literature to international politics, I specialize in international finance, economics and social sciences, and especially contemporary history, critical theory, women’s studies, postcolonialism, and the humanities. A love of learning and an innate curiosity to understand how and why things happen have led me to study economics at Università Bocconi (Milan, Italy), business law and management at UCLA (Los Angeles, USA), post-Soviet reforms at the London School of Economics (London, UK), and linguistics at UNIMORE (Modena, Italy), as well as business case study and the use of language in propaganda at Harvard University (Cambridge, USA).
I am bilingual in English and Italian, and while I mostly translate from Italian to English, I always welcome the opportunity to put my French, Russian and Latin to good use.
P. IVA 03879110363